Tag Archives: kindergarten

Yesterday in Rip Payne

9 May

by Emma Earnst


Work got the best of me yesterday, and I ran out of time to share these adorable pictures with you.  So, with apologies, please enjoy them now!

Yesterday in 1974, Rip Payne again spent the day with Mrs. Carter’s kindergarten class— quite possibly some of the cutest kids you have seen! As you may recall, Rip attended the kids’ May Day celebration a week ago, and according to his dating, the party was still raging on today.  Judging by the repeat outfits, however, I would venture guess that his dating is wrong, and these pictures are from the same date, May 1 (interestingly, neither of these are dated the 1st). Nonetheless, I’m allowing you to enjoy these pictures today, strictly because they are just so dern cute!

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Today in Rip Payne

2 May
by Emma Earnst

Today in 1974, Rip partook in more May Day festivities. He spent an afternoon (and from the looks of these images, a very sunny afternoon) with Mrs. Carter’s class, photographing the students as they romp around outdoors like good celebrants. Mrs. Carter continues to reappear with her kindergartners throughout the month of May, so be on the lookout!

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